We’re getting up close and personal

Getting people together is one of my objectives for After the Mothership. I want people to know that they are not alone and to have others to reach out to for help, support and encouragement, and to provide the same in return. That’s why I am starting a regular monthly meetup in London.

I know that ‘networking’ is a daunting thing for most people and for those of us who have been in the corporate bubble, entering a room full of complete strangers can be absolutely terrifying. (Surveys have shown it is the number one fear that people have, with public speaking second and death third!). This is NOT networking. There are no business cards or elevator pitches or high-pressure selling.

This is a relaxed gathering of like-minds, a fun way to meet people in the same situation as you. You can participate as much or as little as you like, for as long or as short as you like.

There will be a little bit of structure, just to lubricate the process, and I will give a short talk on the five things that I recommend people do when their corporate career ends (rather handily, this is the same subject as my free guide!). What happens after that and how it develops is really up to you and how it can best serve your needs. We might get some guest speakers in future or we might make it completely freeform. It’s an experiment, we will learn from the experience and make changes accordingly (in true design thinking/agile/lean style – or common sense, as it’s sometimes called).

I’d love this to grow and to enable people to come together and make some extraordinary stuff happen. But for now, just come along, have a drink with us and say hello.(It’s a free event so you’ll have to buy your own but it will be handily located in a pub!)

Just register here Eventbrite - After the Mothership meetup

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